Fluorescent Orange Requirements
Regulation Hunting in Rhode Island
Fluorescent hunter orange must be worn above the waist and be visible in all directions. Examples are: a hat that covers 200 square inches or a combina-tion of hat and vest covering 500 square inches.
Fluorescent camouflage does not meet this requirement.
- 200sq. in. by small game hunters during the small game season.
- 200sq. in. by fall turkey hunters while traveling.
- 200sq. in. by muzzleloader deer hunters during the muzzleloader deer season.
- 200sq. in. by archers when traveling to/from elevated stands during the muz-zleloader deer season. Once in an elevated stand, archery deer hunters are exempt from the orange requirement during the muzzleloader deer season.
- 500sq. in. by all hunters (including archers) and all users of man-agement areas and undeveloped state parks during all portions of shotgun deer seasons.
- Hunters using pop-up blinds during the firearms deer season must display 200 square inches of fluorescent orange visible on the outside of the blind from all directions. Hunters must also wear orange in accordance with the rules for the specific seasons while in the blind.
- Exemptions: Raccoon hunters when hunting at night, crow hunters while hunting over decoys, spring turkey hunters, first segment dove hunters, and waterfowl hunters while hunting from a boat or a blind, over water or field, when done in conjunction with decoys. Fluorescent orange is not required in areas limited to archery-only hunting by regulation.Fluorescent
Orange Requirements for All Other Users:
In addition to the above hunter requirements, all other users of State Management Areas and designated undeveloped State Parks, including but not limited to: hikers, bikers, and horseback riders are required to wear two hundred (200) square inches of solid daylight fluorescent or-ange from the second Saturday in September to the last day of February (September 8, 2018 - February 28, 2019) and the third Saturday in April to the last day in May, annually (April 20, 2019 - May 31, 2019). During the shotgun deer season, five hundred (500) square inches are required to be worn by all users